Introducing streaming

Presenting streaming alongside regular TV

TV subscriptions on Tele2's website ·


Tele2 is expanding its TV services by offering streaming subscriptions to their current TV customers. We started with introducing one new package. This new "boxless" offer would give clients the opportunity to stream movies and series and watch regular TV via the Tele2 Play app (formerly Comhem Play app). The two brands - Tele2 and Tele2 Play - needed to connect as one.

Project details

Duration: 3 months (November 2021 - January 2022)
My role: Product designer
Team: 1 product owner, 1 data analyst, 2 copy editors, 2 frontend developers, 1 backend developer

In compliance with my non-disclosure agreement, I've excluded and obscured confidential details in this case study. All information presented is my own and may not necessarily align with the viewpoints of Tele2. Any similarity to proprietary information is purely coincidental. Additionally, I do not own any copyrights of this brand, like the logo, imagery, or any related elements.

The evolution of watching TV

Today's TV is hard to grasp and involves several different types of technical devices and solutions. It offers little differentiationPrice can drive subscription, but otherwise, the offers are very similar. Customers often feel cheated because they pay for many channels they do not want.

On the other hand, offers within streaming services are more flexible; It feels better to choose a service based on your interest and time you want to use it (source: Augur, 2021). In May 2021, the data at depicted the customers' shift of interest:

With these insights at hand, Tele2 focused its efforts on introducing streaming subscriptions, beginning with offering one new streaming offer, alongside its regular TV offers.

Jump to proposed solutions


Understanding our target audience

By studying the data provided to us by Augur, I realised that, when it comes to watching TV, we had three target audiences with different behaviours, goals, and pain points.

Digital natives
They watch TV only via streaming and Play services and almost never on live TV.

They use both Netflix and SVT Play but also like to sit down and watch a specific channel at a specific time.

They watch almost exclusively TV and follow the TV guide. They record programs sometimes.

Competitive benchmarking

I continued with online research on other well established Swedish Telecom companies. My focus was on how they were solving a similar problem for their users; How are they presenting regular TV and streaming subscriptions? What language are they using and is it aligned with clients' mental models?

Competitive benchmarking
Competitive benchmarking. Telenor - Click to enlarge
Competitive benchmarking
Competitive benchmarking. Telia - Click to enlarge


  • Streaming and TV subscriptions are offered as one (Telia) or completely separately (Telenor).
  • Explanatory language used regarding streaming and "regular" TV as well as the equipment needed for it (Telenor)
  • Content is heavily emphasised.
  • Companies are utilising logos when presenting content.

Defining the flow

As the two brands - Tele2 and Tele2 Play (formerly "Comhem Play") - needed to come together to introduce the new streaming subscription, my first step was to define the flow. Our focus was on one primary use case - select and purchase the new streaming subscription.

Competitive benchmarking
Flow: Choosing & purchasing the streaming subscription- Click to enlarge

Remote usability tests

Based on our previous data on the TV start page and findings from the competitive benchmarking, we proceeded to note our hypotheses. To validate our assumptions, we decided to set up usability tests with five actual Tele2 customers. I created a prototype that included the complete flow - from selecting a package to purchase.

Scenario · requested tasks to complete

You are a Tele2 customer and you are interested in buying a new TV subscription from Tele2. You want to be able to watch regular TV and to stream movies and TV series. You prefer an option that comes without equipment.
Conducting usability tests with real customers to validate our hypotheses
“ I think it is good that you do not need extra equipment because you have so many devices and boxes and so on. It is so complicated when you buy a new TV.”


Affinity diagram

As the research phase came to an end, it was now time to analyse all the data we had gathered from our business intelligence consultants, our competitive benchmarking, and usability tests. We organised it by creating an affinity diagram.

Using an affinity diagram as a tool to make sense of the research data
Prioritising action points

Key findings

  • Customers could not tell the difference between the new streaming package and the "regular" TV ones.
  • The participants needed to click back and forth on the selector to compare packages.
  • The new streaming package's name did not make sense to the participants ("Comhem Play+ Live")
  • Customers were not sure why BankID verification was required.
  • During the first step in the purchase flow, the participants were not sure why they were seeing two packages (both offers from Comhem Play) since they chose a specific one at the beginning of the flow.
  • After choosing the new package, the participants were not scrolling further down the details page.
  • After BankID, they were not sure why they were seeing two packages instead of only their choice.



With our research findings in mind, I iterated on the best way to introduce the new streaming subscription on

Competitive benchmarking
Iterations on the best way to visually introduce the new subscription - Click to enlarge

Proposed solutions

By presenting the new subscription side by side with the existing subscriptions, we ensured the customers would have the opportunity to compare packages with a glance.

We added a label with easy-to-understand language already used in the market, saying our offer was "Without a box."

Since the initial subscription's name ("Comhem Play+ Live") did not make sense to the customers, it was changed to "Tele2 Play TV+". This name provided brand unity and clarity.

Shortly after the completion of this project, the Comhem Play app was rebranded and named "Tele2 Play".

During the usability tests, the customers were not sure why they were being asked for their social security number(personnummer). To promote clarity and strengthen the trust between company and client, we added informational text explaining the reason behind asking for SSN so early in the process.

At the bottom of the package details' page, we proposed the addition of a sticky cart. This would give the customers the option to continue with their purchase without having to scroll up to locate the CTA in the header image.

Slightly redesigning the sticky cart to imply continuation of the page, would help customers scroll further down the page. Its clear CTA also encouraged conversion.

The new streaming subscription included the option of watching TV via the Tele2 Play App (former Comhem Play app). We added the offered channels in the product details page; This would give customers the necessary information before purchase. Channel logos have also proved to be a helpful visual aid to users as they are easily recognisable.

The customer was reaching this page after choosing the second package at the beginning of the flow. In this step, we proposed that they only see their choice - the second package - and not both packages offered by Comhem Play.

Responsive designs

As part of the developer handoff, I created responsive designs to ensure the subscriptions would properly adapt to the various screen sizes customers might use.

Competitive benchmarking
Handoff to the developers - Click to see more


This project offered me both challenges and learnings; It was interesting for me as a designer to research the best way of visualizing subscription offers and TV subscription offers, in particular, to give customers a clear solution. At the same time, it required the collaboration of two teams; The Tele2 and Comhem Play teams. This fact was both rewarding and demanding for me since I had to ensure all parties were kept in the loop and agreed on the proposed solutions.

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